Man on the Street, Thunder Bay Students for Life Banquet

Saint Gabriels Newsroom attended the recent pro-life banquet put on by the Thunder Bay Students for Life. The fundraiser is to help students go to the March for Life in Ottawa coming May 8th, 2014. Visit their website at

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Jesus the sun god??

Flickr Image - Horus on Guard by: Bernt Rostad

Sometimes I just have to shake my head. Now and again, particularly around Christmas the “pseudo-intellectuals” come out in full force. I like to call them armchair scholars.

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Sarah Palin “Throws Pearls Before Swine”

Sarah Palin openly opposes the gay lifestyle. She has said, among other things, that prayer can help homosexuals live moral lives. This is something the Catholic Church has taught for 2,000 years. But, in this supposedly tolerant age, it is a dangerous thing for a public figure to say. Cher, whose lesbian daughter had a sex change operation, apparently feels Palin’s views are intolerant so she recently called Palin a “dumb C word” (c*nt) on Twitter.

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Sinful Paintings and Beautiful Humans

Pablo Picasso - Flick Image by: WallyG

One night not long ago, I was by myself contemplating sin. How does sin affect us in the long run? Will my sins prevent me from entering heaven? I wouldn’t be the first person to gaze off into the mental realm of these thoughts. It is certain that many great minds of history have written on these topics; not to say I’m a great mind. The idea that came to me is likely something that has been said before by others or perhaps a combination of different pieces of wisdom that I have strung together like a twisted cable pair or a rope. The analogy that occurred to me is that our lives tend to be like paintings. Even though no analogy is perfect or sufficient to explain the wisdom of God, I will at least attempt to grasp at this little corner of wisdom and explain what I mean by this.

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Screw Your Stick Figure Family!

Stick Figure Family - Flick Image By: MA1216

Many people display stick figure decals on their vehicles’ rear windows to represent each of their family members. This is not something I would do, but I’m okay with it. I consider it a positive message in a generally negative world.

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