March for Life 2012

This year I decided to attend the March for Life in Ottawa May 10th, 2012.  The March for Life is organized by Campaign Life Coalition, and the intent is to make Abortion Unthinkable.  When I got to Parliament Hill I sensed incredible enthusiasm, from the youth, and renewed dedication from the adults.  More and more children, youth, adults, and seniors are participating, and this brings hope to the Church, that we haven’t lost the war yet.

This year was the biggest ever, with Campaign Life Coalition counting roughly 19500.  Unfortunately the Media reported that the RCMP estimated 10 thousand, which seems inaccurate considering how squeezed in we were on Parliament Hill.  From the Catholic side, the Notre Dame Cathedral held a Mass at 11am the morning of the March, and it was overflowing beyond capacity with supporters.    Several MP’s spoke, as well as Cardinal Dolan, ArchBishop Prendergast and several other Bishops and Priests. Other faith traditions were present including Pro-life Athiests.  I saw many people from all walks of life attending from different parts of the Country. Women who regreted their abortion spoke out against this injustice including a woman by the name of Joanne from Thunder Bay.

The event was peaceful and was a success. I will summarize a few points which are:

1> The March was the largest ever considering it was cold and a bit drizzly.

2> The RCMP decided to section off two areas of either side of the hill which were reserved for the Pro-Choicers, however I could easily count them on my hands. This resulted us being crammed into a small area.

3> The Mass media barely touched on the topic, that barely made a blip on the radar.  Sun Media however gave much more airtime than CTV, CBC, and other mainstream media sources.

3> Their were a large number of highschool and young adults in attendence both male and female.

4> What I didn’t see however was a good contigent of people between 25-45, which is something we need more of, because this is where families are started.

5> We definately had more support from our MP’s and Clergy than in previous years.

Above all we need to remember that changing the tide of abortion is important, but we must not let it become an act of disobedience, and hatred against pro-choicers.  Pro-life at all costs is not the intent, of this movement and as Catholics we must adhere to proper moral though when protesting this injustice.  To pray, to change the hearts of the women and men, and to help those lost in a sea of lies and falsehoods to see the truth.