Are Guns to Blame for the Connecticut Massacre?

The horrific school massacre in Connecticut is being exploited to promote the anti-gun agenda.

The horrific school massacre in Connecticut is being exploited to promote the anti-gun agenda. What stronger argument against the “right to keep and bear arms” could there be? As experts continue to debate why someone would randomly kill completely innocent people, the “man on the street” wants something done to stop the carnage now. Banning or, at least, restricting civilian firearms ownership seems to offer a quick fix, though a simplistic one.

Over the past few decades, American culture has become the perfect breeding ground for suicidal maniacs intent on mass killings — many fatherless families or families in which the father plays a minor role, a degradation of parental authority, a high divorce rate, a culture saturated with pornography and immorality, a large number of people on mind-altering drugs, a secularized society, a large number people dabbling in the occult (New Age), a revolving-door justice system, extensive media coverage of each major mass killing (thereby inspiring copy cat killings), graphic violence continually depicted in the media, growing social alienation, a high percentage of young people addicted to video games, growing selfishness, less respect for authority and a high tolerance for evil. Add to this potent brew the easy availability of firearms and the consequences are predictable.

While not making any serious effort to reverse America’s alarming and dangerous cultural decline, the nation’s left-leaning establishment is intent on more gun control. It’s interesting to note that while gun laws were even more lenient during America’s first 200 years, senseless mass killings by crazed gunmen were rare. Obviously, America’s cultural decline is least as responsible for the increase of these crimes as is the easy availability of firearms.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I do think that reasonable and effective gun control which respects the public right to own firearms should be a major part of the strategy to ensure public safety. However, it seems to me that President Barack Obama and the leftist establishment he represents is secretly intent on virtually banning civilian gun ownership. (See: America’s leftist establishment is largely to blame for the nation’s cultural decline and is now exploiting the dire consequences of that decline in order to disarm civilians and, thereby, greatly enhance State power. It’s interesting to note that the Communist Party USA heartily endorses President Obama’s anti-gun agenda. (See:

Now, again, please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that the State should not impose reasonable restrictions on civilian gun ownership. I’m saying that in a free society, law-abiding, sane adults should have the right to legally purchase, responsibly possess and safely use firearms. The authors of the U.S. Constitution guaranteed this right in order to help protect the freedom of the people. Totalitarian regimes, such as Communist China and Communist North Korea, virtually ban civilian gun ownership so that the State is all-powerful.

Obviously, if bloodthirsty, suicidal maniacs had no access to firearms, mass killings would become much more difficult. It’s also true that the U.S. has among the most lenient gun laws in the world and also the highest incidence of mass killings involving firearms. However, it would be wrong to completely blame the problem on easy access to firearms. As a Catholic who loves his freedom, I am in favour of creating a Godly culture and enacting just, effective and reasonable gun control legislation that helps ensure public safety while respecting the public’s right to own firearms. The radical leftist agenda in the U.S. and Canada must be exposed and resisted, or we will gradually loose our rights and freedoms.

I’ll leave you with these quotes:

“Our task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed,” Sarah Brady, Chairman, Handgun Control Inc. Source: The National Educator, January 1994, Pg. 3.

“Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal,” former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno who served under President Clinton.

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